Just accounts and random thoughts from my life. The content within these blogs may be graphic so if you become offended: FUCK OFF.
Published on September 11, 2004 By mrt949 In Home & Family
Wow, it's been a while since I updated this blog but here goes (takes deep breath)...

April: Received orders to South Korea, 1 hour from Seoul. LET THE PARTYING BEGIN!
May: Partying continues... I'd write down what happened, but there were WAY too many incriminating things happening.
June: Partied it up until end the end of the month when I went on leave.
July: Partied it up on leave for about 3 weeks. I hung out with some of best friends that I hadn't seen since high school and because we were all in the military. I could also write some stories but again, there was some illegal stuff going on.
Mid-July: Finally, I flew into Korea (via Incheon Intl AIrport, which is one of the nicest airports I've ever been too). Of course, when I got here, as is standard in the military, I discovered that my orders were fucked up. Instead of being stationed in the heart of Seoul like I wanted to be, they reassigned me to another base an hour away (DAMMIT!). But after a confusing and headache inducing in-processing, I finally got settled in and I have to say this about my trip and stay so far: IT ROCKS! Look for some stories later on.

Finally, I got off that rock of a shithole base in Colorado! Korea, here I come!

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