Just accounts and random thoughts from my life. The content within these blogs may be graphic so if you become offended: FUCK OFF.
Published on March 1, 2004 By mrt949 In Home & Family
Well this is one way to start off the day...

I've been working nights(11pm-7am) for about 2 months. While I don't mind sleeping with sunlight pouring into my room, what i DO mind is all the noise coming from these 2 little monsters upstairs. These kids are constantly jumping and bodyslamming each other, crying and yelling at each other, and blasting loud rap music to where I can sing along witht the lyrics! They're kids for God sakes they shouldn't be THIS friggin loud! I have a little brother and sister who're about the same age as these kids (9 or 10 roughly) and they are nowhere near that loud. Complaining hasn't done a damn thing because apparently Mommy (there is no daddy) works 9 hours during the day and can't discipline here kids. Plus the fact that the monsters only shut up for one day only to start right back the fuck up the next day. Which brings me to my main gripe...

What the hell is the matter with children these days? What with all the obesity, younger kids committing more crimes, and increased alcohol and drug abuse, I'm wondering what the hell the parents are (or aren't) doing?! I see kids that look they're about 100lbs but are only 10 yrs old. I don't know what you're thinking Mom but your kids eating super-sized extra value meals is NOT a cute thing. Some kids are even starting to have health problems at their young age that shouldn't be showing up until they're in their 30s. And is it me or does anyone notice how kids these days have little or no respect for other people? They cuss up a storm and talk smack as if they're the shit. Must be from all that crap music the RIAA is putting out these days along with those equally worthless shows on television. What stuns me the most is that kids that young are actually drinking and using drugs in large numbers. Growing up in the inner city, I wasn't blind to the fact that there were some kids who were heroin addicts and alcoholics. But that was in the urban areas and even then it was just a couple of extreme cases. Now it's becoming more common and moving into the suburban areas. One only has to look at Bush's new proposed drug policy: one of the things he wants to propose is mandatory drug testing at schools.

Jesus H Christ what has the country come to? Now it's the school's job to see if kids are doing drugs? Where the fuck did the parents go? Oh that's right, the one parent at home is putting in long work days to put food on the table. Boo fucking hoo. From what I've seen, they work these long hours to afford a really nice car and nice house for the family. None of that shit matters as long as you have a roof over your head, warm food, and a good education. These parents are so worried about upholding some image that they forget about the actual necessities that the family requires: food, education, and discipline. Most parents today have moved their focus unto other less important area, thus resulting in their kids having less restraint and more reckless behavior.

I wish I could put a finger down on what's wrong with kids these days, but there are WAY too many factors at work. I'll save that for another blog. Right now (10:30pm), I'm going to make as much noise as possible because, at this point, I don't give a fuck if Mom comes down to complain. Learn to shut your kids up and then we'll talk.

on Mar 01, 2004
dude, could you please write in paragraphs?

on Mar 01, 2004
Thanks for the advice man. I'll try to break it up more often. I get caught up in my ranting sometimes.
on Mar 01, 2004
Just wait till you have some of your own.
on Sep 20, 2004
I would have to join you in your exasperation. I started substitute teaching in the Intermediate and Junior High last year, and some of what I heard was just plain scary. In the Jr. High (7 & 8 gr.), out of @800 students, almost 500 of them had different last names than their parents. Half of them (400) did not have an adult at home when they got home from school in the afternoon. Half of those (200) did not have an adult at home when they left to go to school in the morning. We have an epidemic of children raising themselves with little or no discipline, rules, or respect. A friend of mine teaches Pre-K. When I asked her last week how school was going, she said "Is it May yet?" It hasn't even been the first 6 weeks yet and she's exhausted. I can only pray that things will get better, but I don't see it happening.